A change is as good as a rest
Perhaps not, but we changed the venue and the conditions under which we play anyways.
Migrated over to Country Lane diamond for the final game of the regular season. Under the lights with no fear of darkness overcoming us, just the glare to worry about and the odd swarm of mosquitos (non-West Nile variety, one hopes). First experience for many with a lit field, something that requires a wee bit of acclimation and provides an additional excuse for missed plays and fumbled balls. Perhaps not the real reason for mishaps, but it works all the same. Even if the calibre of your play may somewhat subside, the blame can easily be shifted elsewhere, without question. Occasional puzzled look, odd stare or quick jibe, but no questions.
And there were more than a few dropped balls, most likely due to the change in venue and change in environment and change to a full seven innings of play, but nothing to detract from the overall quality of the game. It presented itself as it normally does and played itself out to its own conclusion. Hopefully, all will be able to adjust to the prevailing conditions and step up their game for the first round of playoffs, slated for September 19th, same bat time(s), same bat channel. And, if you game is still not on, you will need a more inventive excuse than ‘lost it in the lights’, as we’ve all been there, done that, get bored easily and need to hear something new, a reason that is more totally out in left field (under the lights). Be inventive, imagine a reason never heard of before, impress your friends and fans, At the very least, amuse them. Try as we might, we still managed to play the game without sustaining major injury. We all managed to survive, some just barely, some without retaining the ability to run. Still, we’re still all here. For the most part. At least, we all basically have the same presence of mind that we had when we started the game. Not stain much, perhaps, but we al were capable enough to avoid a completely degenerative state.
With the regular season now under our belt, we can congratulate ourselves for beating the odds, of pushing our bodies to the uppermost limits of their capabilities, to be all a man (person) can be, to go where no man (person) has gone before. Okay, most of us have been here before and most are all they will ever be, but sometimes one just must overlook his literary license and wax poetic. At least our family doctors may be relieved it’s almost all over for another year. On to the results. The regular season was not won by the Bevies & Bats, although they did their very best to show up every week. Neither was it won by Budweiser, who also showed up nonetheless. Perhaps, it was the Mooseheads, who also attempted to make a good showing every week. Perhaps not. That only leaves one conclusion, one final team that managed to place first over the regular season. Can’t seem to recall their name at the moment, but they all know who they are. We all know. If not, sure they will tell us. To all the others, well, thanks for showing up.
Okay, it was the Bat Busters. Congratulations, boys and girls, on a season well played. To all the others, you still have two opportunities in the playoffs to show them up. And the fun is always in the attempt. On the 19th, the first game will be populated by the Moosehead and Budweiser, the second by the other two teams (if you don’t know who you are, it just may be too late for you). As per usual, home team will be decided by a coin flip, at least if someone remembers to bring a coin. If not, something will still get flipped. The winners of both games advance to the finals, to play the game the following week, to decide who takes the whole kit and caboodle and gets to drag the big trophy home. The losers, well, they get to play the early game. All or nothing. Try and show up and remember to bring your game. Or, at least, a litany of imaginative and creative excuses. Extra points always awarded for being amusing. Even if the points are non-redeemable.