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Just have a few questions

Another hot night for ball, but we were spared the blinding addition of the glaring sun by a convenient cloud cover. Resulted in a rather dim evening but, considering our normal mental demeanour, probably more suitable that way. Quite a few exceptional plays mixed in with our usual amusing offerings, some close calls and others that were really, really far away. Also need to be careful of the unintentional groping that sometimes occurs when the play at base is close. Even if you're wearing a glove. Unless, of course, it is at second base and a specific individual is playing the base, then never mind. It was probably intentional. Lighthearted, good natured group out on the field for both games, from those experiencing the thrill of victory to those experiencing the agony of defeat. Some, utter defeat. Or perhaps everyone was just light-headed due to the heat. Either way, just one long haul into the last two games of the season so, win or lose, you are best to have a damn, fine time. Alcohol can help. Not your play, just your mood. Injury is always something to be wary of. Hardly a game passes where someone does not cause some damage, be it a pull or a strain or a simple bruise. Best not to induce it or try to inflict it on others, especially with a thrown ball, especially on one of your own players. But accidents do happen, so need to force the issue. And remember, be careful out there.

People often ask, ‘You are the blogger for the league. Why don’t you relate more detailed info on the games themselves?’ Okay, nobody has really ever asked me that ever, that is, if you ignore the voices in my head. Damn voices! They tend to natter on. But, if we didn’t pay attention to any one of the multiple personalities we might carry about, what kind of self-aware individual would that make us. Besides, repression of thought often leads to psychotic episodes and you may wish to avoid those. The first was bad enough. So, why do I not talk more about the games? A few reasons, perhaps. Words escape me. Does not mean I can recapture them, especially on paper. Plus, I’m older now and the memory is not what it used to be. By the time I get home I may have forgotten most of your names (don’t worry, they’ll come back to me). Maybe not, but you get my gist. Now where was I? Oh yeah. Last reason may be that at least half, if not most of you, were there and involved in the games themselves. Even though some, who are participating, can still miss a good game. If you cannot remember what happened, or the active part you took in the game, perhaps it is for the best. Full description of the events, even though a lot may bare repeating, can lead to boring and tedious drivel, which I have no problem issuing forth on even a bad day, but always try to repress (never successfully). I always try not to let actual events, or even facts, to get in the way. Sometimes reality is overrated (or simply misappropriated for dramatic or humorous effect). A slight inference to the event, an offside remark about the event, a tactile reminder of the event, can be enough. It incites one to seek out their peers and develop social interaction, converse more fully on the event. Remember this? Yes, but this is what actually happened. You sure? Missing a good game. Easier for me if you talk about it at length while I only write about it in brief(s). Besides, I have pictures as well and, everyone knows, they are worth more than a few words. ‘Why don’t you mention more people by name. Some are deserving mention.’.

First, there is that memory thing. Even though the face rings a bell, I doubt if your name is Quasimodo. Second, everyone deserves mention, be it for the good, the bad or even the ugly. To take it one step further than Dragnet, the names have not only been changed to protect the innocent, they have been omitted, so the guilty can go free as well. So, run amok. Don’t get me wrong, I am not above using names and sometimes, unfortunately for you, I do remember everyone’s name (and there's that picture thing), but referring to one by name in the blog is not always a good thing and may draw undue attention (and, at the extreme, instigate some sort of legal action). Might not make you famous but, knowing how I tend to misuse and contort, it might make you infamous. It may not be to commend your actions, but simply to sarcastically exploit your blunder, to relate your misadventures on the field and, not to take away the silver lining, designed not even to prove a point or teach a valid lesson, but simply to try and get a laugh, even if it is a cheap one. Some may see this as ridicule but, to me, it is simply a collaboration of words designed to relay an effect, however adverse. Best I stay away from names. I can come up with more erroneous and imaginary drivel if I do not have to correlate it to an existing physical entity, called out by name. Besides, you were there, you know who you are. Up to you to take all the credit, if not avoid all the blame. Back to the gameplay. Although the game is the focus, it is not the focal point, it is not the reason. It is simply the activity designed to drag you up out of your domicile to interact more fully with some of your friends and neighbours. Gives one something to do. Idle hands are the devil’s playthings. We can still play about in a less than sanctimonious manner, just don’t have to be idle to do it. What is more exciting than taking a night out with your peers to enjoy a game of baseball, to have a little fun even if, at times, it is just having fun making fun of others. Takes the focus off you. Temporarily. Don’t worry, we’ll get back to you. Now, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, baseball. Out of time. Sorry. Maybe next week.

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